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Some thing(s): new and recent artwork by Michael Mercil

. . . the occurrence of a word is the occurrence of an object whose placement always has a point, and whose point always lies before and beyond it.                      

Stanley Cavell, The Senses of Walden, 1972

Michael Mercil’s exhibition at the Beeler Gallery highlights a selection of his new drawings, enameled metal panels and needlepoint works of single words formed from simple, block letters. Like the other objects in the show, the artist considers these two-dimensional pieces to be things—and not stand-ins for or images of other things. Some thing(s) also includes one gallery designed as an “open classroom” for scheduled and impromptu CCAD and community programs and conversations. Each Tuesday and Thursday from 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., Mercil will use the space for free public performances of his “Reading the Daily News” from the print edition of the day’s Columbus Dispatch.

Mercil wishes to dedicate this exhibit to former CCAD Provost, Anedith Nash (1943-2020) and to his art school mentor, artist Siah Armajani (1939-2020).

Link to Columbus Dispatch’s article on Michael’s performance.

Images provided by Jake Holler.

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